
Sex is a Young Man’s Game…Or Is It?

Sex is a Young man's game

By the time we are middle aged, we men expect to have it all figured out. Right job, right woman, right car. We know what we are about, and we know what we stand for. We know at what things we are skilled and what tasks are better left to others. For the most part, sex is no exception. Most men have had three or four sexual partners by the time they are in their mid-forties, and have had sex as much as a few thousand times. So we ought to be experts at it by now, right? Stamina should be no issue for us. Problems like early ejaculation won’t be happening to us, we think. Perhaps it could happen to younger, more inexperienced men, perhaps first-timers, but not us.And then it does.

Surprisingly, right out of the blue, after years of successful experiences and years of sexual encounters, suddenly we find our body rebelling. Stamina that we have worked for years to develop is suddenly gone, and we find ourselves victims of early ejaculation. Perhaps you have been married or in a relationship for a long time, and suddenly it happens with your long-time partner. This can cause her to wonder if maybe you are finally getting bored with her, or if you don’t care to try as hard as you used to. Or maybe you are still searching for the right person or you are in a newer relationship. When it occurs in this context, it can cause her to wonder if perhaps this is how all of your sexual encounters will be. Perhaps she even thinks this is why you are still single. All kinds of unreasonable and undesirable doubts can creep into the mind of a woman when the man experiences premature ejaculation. Whatever the actual cause of it may be, both you and your partner are going to be left wondering whose fault it was, when in reality it is most likely not anyone’s fault at all.

There can be a number of reasons for a decline in sexual prowess in older men. Sudden shifts in metabolism as the body ages may prevent a man from getting the nutrients he needs. Bodily production and processing of necessary enzymes and other chemicals may decline with age. A long history of inadequate diet or exercise may finally begin to take its toll on the health of the body’s heart, lungs, and musculature. All of these factors of ageing may lead to a decrease in sexual stamina, and can be potential causes of early ejaculation.

One tendency among older men is to believe that perhaps this is just natural, that this is just the body’s way of telling them they no longer need to be having sexual intercourse. They may think that the body just tends to shut down in middle age, and that sex is no longer supposed to a significant part of their life. But this is obviously not true when taken in the light of what happens to women at a similar age. Typically, women of middle age tend to report increases in libido, sexual desire, and quality of sexual experience. This is why early ejaculation can be such a problem for middle-aged adults. Just when women are starting to feel an increase in sexual sensitivity and desire, men’s bodies may start malfunctioning, thus making the disappointment that much greater for women.

As stated above, there can be numerous reasons for a decrease in sexual stamina in older men, but one of the biggest contributors to this decrease can be nutrition. While it is true that the metabolism of men can change when they reach middle age, it doesn’t mean that this change has to be permanent or that there is nothing that can be done about it, and it certainly doesn’t have to have lasting effects on sexual stamina. Sometimes doing something as simple as adding a nutritional supplement to your regimen can make all of the difference. This is why PrematureX is such a valuable asset to men of middle age. It provides many essential nutrients and natural ingredients that perhaps were easily processed or produced by the body when you were younger that now may be present only in significantly depleted numbers. B-vitamins, L-arginine, and various natural ingredients work together to provide boosts to circulation and testosterone in the body, and the cumulative effect is regular, lasting, and effective erections, as well as more powerful and more controllable ejaculations. With PrematureX, a middle-aged man can find a stamina and a desire to match that of his partner, and can help her be fulfilled as her body changes to desire more of him.