Treatment Options

Future Trends for Early Ejaculation


Treatment options for men dealing with chronic early ejaculation have been in use for many years. As newer options are introduced they invariably lead to plenty

of headlines and hope for men all over the world. Now the future looks brighter than ever with options that are better and more advance than ever before. Here we’ll take a look at some of the best historical options as well as what the future holds.

Historical Treatment Options

Traditionally speaking, there have been a number of treatment options which have been proven to work in treating early ejaculation. Perhaps the most common and widespread is a change in both diet and exercise. This particular treatment remains the most effective when patients are able to stick with it but it can also prove the most difficult.

The reason for this is simply that the type of change needed is often difficult to achieve and results can take a while to kick in. As a result, many men become discouraged and have a hard time sticking to the new lifestyle, thus undoing their progress and sometimes even making the problem worse.

In many cases, doctors still advise men to make these changes but they add on treatment options that can provide help and improvement more quickly. The use of numbing agents and cock rings is a popular option since side effects are minimal and it’s something men can use as often or as little as they need. Both options simply reduce the amount of sensitivity a man experiences during sex, prolonging the time it takes him to achieve orgasm.

The use of off-label medication is another established treatment options, though this approach carries with it the potential for a number of adverse side effects. Most of the medications used for this were originally developed to treat depression and so they affect various hormone and chemical levels throughout the body, including in the brain. While delayed orgasm is a common side effect so are rashes, hives, suicidal thought, weight gain and a decreased libido.

The Future of Early Ejaculation Treatments

Medical professionals are always on the search for newer treatment options for various conditions and premature ejaculation is no exception. Today there are a number of new options which are beginning to be used directly and studied more closely in clinical settings.

One of the most popular new treatments is the use of Botox to treat premature ejaculation. Patients have the solution injected into their penis. The injection has been shown to improve stamina in lab mice and is proving effective in humans as well. Of course, an injection right in the penis isn’t exactly what most men want to try but for those who have been dealing with the condition over a long period of time, it’s a pain worth dealing with.

Electroshock is another new, albeit a bit intimidating, treatment options gaining traction in the medical community. The way the electric shocks are delivered are much better and less jarring than they were in the past, but the treatment remains in the study phase and many men simply aren’t ready to go down that road.

Finally there’s hormone replacement therapy which has proven to be effective and popular. While the treatment is most effective when used to treat lowered libido, it has shown promise when it comes to increasing stamina. Clinics specializing in the service have been popping up throughout the country.

The future of treatment for early ejaculation is bright. While not every treatment is appealing to all men, those dealing with the condition for years don’t often worry about more extreme sounding measures. In fact, many find comfort in the idea of dealing with the condition aggressively. While there is still plenty of room for further study, the development of new treatments shows that the medical community is finally standing up, taking notice and acting on the needs of men when it comes to this common and troublesome condition.