
Eliminating Stress and Premature Ejaculation


Premature ejaculation is a problem which is caused by many different contributing factors. One of the biggest contributing factors is stress. The hard part is discovering whether stress is the main cause, or whether there are other things contributing. But through proper self-diagnosis it’s possible to see if stress is the cause, and to eliminate it. If the problem persists, it’s clearly another problem which is still impacting a man’s ability to control their ejaculation.

Why is Stress a Factor?

Stress is a factor because ejaculation control is all about one thing: control. Learning to effectively control it is a major skill which is learned purely through experience. Men who are having sex for the first time are notorious for not being able to last very long. It’s not necessarily because they are young and their hormones are causing them to lose control, it’s due to the fact they haven’t yet learned proper control.

Stop StressWhen somebody has sex for the first time they are nervous. Nervousness of premature ejaculation, especially in the 21st century where the issue is well-known and often talked about openly. Instead of concentrating on having fun, the mind is concentrating on the ejaculation factor. Since they are so desperate to avoid the humiliation of finishing earlier than expected, they go in with all guns blazing in an attempt to finish as soon as possible. But when they finish they find they haven’t pleasured their partner, which is why there’s such a stigma associated with this problem.

Stress has exactly the same impact. It invades the mind and means it isn’t in complete control of the body. Remove the stress factor and gain control once again.

How Do You Know When Stress is Present?

Eliminating Stress and Premature EjaculationStress is hard to diagnose since there are so many symptoms associated with it. On top of that, there are different forms of stress each with their own set of symptoms. A small list of general areas where symptoms of stress arise is given below, but ultimately a doctor is the place to go for help with this problem:

  • General pain in the joints.
  • Depression and anxiety.
  • Trouble sleeping (the mind will feel as if it’s racing).
  • Acid reflux, problems with the digestive system, and a general boredom with food.

These areas, of course, could indicate other conditions wholly unrelated to the condition of premature ejaculation, but if the condition is there these symptoms will normally point towards a stress-related issue.

Treating Stress

Treating stress is remarkably easy. Stress is caused by lifestyle factors, it’s not genetic. This means it’s a matter of changing the stressful things in life. For many men, these issues are quite clear. It could be something to do with work, or it could be a problem another existing medical condition. Other times, it can be harder to see. Avoiding taking breaks, for example, doesn’t always mean something bad is going to happen. The individual can feel perfect, and yet they are stressed. It takes a long time for the symptoms to become noticeable in some people.

But treating the issue starts with targeting the problems. Look at the problems which are visible and use them as a basis for a new beginning. If there’s an issue with work, write it down on a piece of paper and keep it safe. Mark each stressful item down and use the list to target the issues in order of priority; from the most stressful to the least stressful.

Take note, it’s impossible to remove every stressful thing from the list. Stress is a part of daily life in the 21st century. Small doses won’t cause premature ejaculation; it’s when it builds up the effect starts to take its toll.

Common Stress Scenarios

  • Too much work is perhaps the biggest source of stress for the average city worker. The boss just keeps piling more and more onto the desk and it seems as if it’s impossible to find a way out. Ask for a vacation, or ask if the load can be lightened.
  • Relationship issues. Sometimes some reconciliation is needed to solve a relationship. These close bonds should be a force of comfort, not a source of stress.
  • Unhappiness. Target the source and seek a way to change it. If it’s a job, start looking elsewhere. If it’s where the man lives, move somewhere else. It really is that easy!