
Premature Ejaculation – The Five Red Flags That You Should Look For

Red Flag

Almost every man experiences premature ejaculation at some point during his life – in a way it’s just ‘one of those things’ men learn to put up with. At the same time, it isn’t something men should ignore since any episode is the body’s way of signalling something isn’t working as it should. It could be as simple as the effects of having a bad day or it could be as serious as an early sign of erectile dysfunction or problems with the prostate. So where do men find the middle ground between knowing their case of early ejaculation is no big deal and it’s time to seek medical help? These five ed flags can help.

  1. It’s Been Going On For Awhile

Any time a person experiences a problem with their functioning on a chronic basis, it warrants a trip to the doctor. Even if the doctor examines them and gives them the all clear physically, it can rule some causes out and offers insight into why the condition might be happening and what steps are best in terms of what to do next. This is especially true for sexual performance issues since, many times, these conditions can be successfully treated at home. Even though home based treatments work well in most cases, choosing the right one is important. Since there are so many causes of premature ejaculation, there are also a variety of treatment options. Working with your healthcare provider allows you to create a treatment plan with the greatest chance of success.

  1. It’s Affecting Your Life In and Out of the Bedroom

Sexual performance issues do more than just put a damper on your sex life. They can also chip away at your confidence and self-esteem. The stress these conditions cause have a way of spilling over into other areas of a person’s life. Men who deal with sexual performance problems on a chronic basis may find they are more likely to have problems with work performance and may develop social anxiety as relating to friends, family and loved ones becomes strained. As the stress mounts, the symptoms stack up and, before you know it, it gets out of hand. Once the problems you’re having between the sheets begins to affect other areas of your life, it’s time to get professional help to deal with the problem once and for all.

  1. Common Sense Treatments Aren’t Working

Since early ejaculation is so common, most guys have their own methods for dealing with the sporadic episode. Numbing gels, special condoms and cock rings are all reliable methods men have been using for generations and, for the most part, they work to keep things under control. But when that isn’t working or you’re no longer happy with the results, a doctor can help walk you through other options.

  1. You’ve Adopted a Healthier Lifestyle But Still No Luck

Healthy LifestyleThe most common advice men get when they see a doctor about premature ejaculation is to get healthy. That could mean improving a man’s diet, increasing his physical activity or a combination of the two. That’s because sexual performance is tied directly to a person’s overall fitness level. Poor health means poor circulation and, for men, that means serious problems with erectile health and sexual satisfaction. Give yourself a few weeks to adopt healthier lifestyle choices including the reduction of processed foods and an increase in fresh, raw fruits and vegetables along with regular work-outs three to five times a week. If you still see no improvement after two weeks, make that call.

  1. You’re Worried About It

At the end of the day, this is what it really comes down to – you know your body better than anyone else. So if your problems with premature ejaculation are causing you serious concern, don’t give a second thought to how many or how few red flags you’ve noticed, just make an appointment with your doctor. Sometimes it’s worth it for the peace of mind alone.