Treatment Options

Nerve Ablation – An Extreme Option for Early Ejaculation

Doctors Office

Early ejaculation is arguably the most common and most frustrating condition men experience in terms of sexual well-being. While early ejaculation doesn’t seem like a big deal at first glance, the truth is that the condition can begin to erode a man’s sexual happiness and overall well-being if left untreated. Even for men who seek out treatment, finding something that works can become a nightmare in its own right.

Treatment Options and Increasing Frustration

Problems with early ejaculation are common and have been around since the dawn of man but that doesn’t mean it’s an easy condition to treat. The condition can be triggered by just about anything and the root cause can be hard to discern at first. Adding to the issue is the fact that stress and anxiety can make the problem worse and, as it worsens, that increases stress and anxiety levels creating a vicious cycle that is hard to break.

Treatment options for early ejaculation run the gamut from the practical to the bizarre. Simple changes like improving your diet or increasing physical activity can help treat the problem over time but often men want something which will help more immediately. Numbing agents and cock rings offer some help for many men but others have a more difficult time finding something that works.

As men begin trying different treatments their feelings of hope with regards to success can easily turn to despair if they don’t find an option that fits. As time goes on, they begin to consider increasingly serious options including the long term use of pharmaceuticals in spite of the potential for negative side effects.

Nerve Ablation

One extreme option which is getting more and more press as a treatment for early ejaculation is nerve ablation. Simply put nerve ablation is a procedure where doctors literally deaden a nerve in order to reduce stimulation. The procedure destroys the dorsal penile nerve by using cryoablation, a relatively simple process that doesn’t require much in terms of healing time.

This option may be simple and straight-forward but it’s also extreme and can result in too much sensitivity loss – a condition that cannot be reversed. Still, for men who have been struggling with chronic early ejaculation for years it can be a risk they’re willing to take. The fact that men are willing to go to such lengths drives home just how frustrating and problematic this condition can become.

Adult Circumcision

Another option which many men are considering is circumcision. Men who were not circumcised as babies can find that their foreskin is simply too sensitive. Circumcision removes this area of the genitals in order to lessen sensation and, in some cases, improve appearance. How much foreskin is removed determines how much sensitivity is lost but, as with nerve ablation, it’s not something that can be reversed if it goes too far. So even though this also runs the risk of making sex almost sensation-less men are still willing to roll the dice in their bid to increase stamina.

These extreme and somewhat invasive treatment options may sound a bit over the top but they’ve gained real traction within the male enhancement community. The fact is, men who deal with long term early ejaculation issues need a solution that works. Once they’ve gone through all the other options and don’t have results, it’s no surprise they are willing to try something this extreme. Hopefully, experts will be able to find ways to reduce sensitivity without having to destroy whole nerves. But, in the meantime, men who are ready for a solution they know will work are weighing the options and making this a bigger topic of conversation for men and healthcare providers alike.