Masturbation and Premature Ejaculation

Five Surprising Benefits of Masturbation

Benefits of Masturbation

Forget baseball, if you want to know the truly most popular American past time then look no farther than your own bedroom. Masturbation might very well be the single most popular past time in the nation, but that doesn’t mean people are too keen to talk about it. Although we have become increasingly sexually liberated, we’re still a bit shy when it comes to talk about self-pleasure. It’s too bad, too, because masturbation is more than just a fun way to pass the time – it can also be good for your health.

It Gets the Blood Moving … Literally

Most people already know that a man’s penis becomes erect due to an increase in blood pressure in the penis. But what many people don’t realize is that masturbation can increase circulation throughout the body. Masturbation, like sex, is a physical activity – even though you’re all alone. As you move and raise the temperature of your body, it encourages faster and more intense circulation throughout your system. This increase in activity and circulation may not burn many calories – you’ll burn, on average, less than 100 calories each time – but it still has a surprising effect on your overall health. These benefits include greater immune support and better respiration.

Relieves Stress

One of the biggest and more well known benefits of masturbation is stress relief. Masturbation is more than just a physical activity. It engages your body and your mind and so is an effective form of escapism. This can help you to relax, unwind and literally escape from the rigours of your daily life for awhile. Once you achieve orgasm, your body is flooded with the same feel good chemicals that are released during sex. As the dopamine and other hormones course through your system you blood pressure will go down, your heart rate will slow and you’ll be relaxed.

Helps with Sexual Performance

Many men struggle with sexual performance issues. Most often these problems involve temporary bouts of impotence and problems with premature ejaculation. Once again, masturbation can play a surprisingly beneficial role in treating both of these problems. Men suffering with impotency issues are often instructed to masturbate regularly, with no pressure to perform, in order to determine the cause of their issues. For men dealing with premature ejaculation, regular sessions of masturbation can teach them how to read their own bodies better. As a result they can gain a greater amount of control over how close they get to orgasm and knowing when to slow down so they are able to effectively treat their problem with early ejaculation.

Boosts Immune System

Masturbation also boosts the immune system and, for men, can even reduce the risk of developing cancer. Regular healthy masturbation levels have been linked with a significantly lower instance of prostate cancer in men. It also supports general prostate health and can also give men a better immunity overall to seasonal illnesses such as colds and flu.

The Father of Invention?

Some people have a real problem with masturbation – they think that by playing with yourself, you’re denying your partner of the sexual attention they need. In fact, healthy levels of masturbation can actually enhance your sex life. Masturbation is a safe way to explore your own fantasies, brainstorm new ideas and simply let your mind go wherever it wants. These new ideas can lead to greater experimentation in the bedroom and breathing new life – and fire – into your sex life.

Masturbation is a healthy sexual expression which has some surprising medical and emotional benefits. From reducing stress levels and enhancing your sex life to being able to actually provide protection against cancer, masturbation may be the greatest expression of self love in the world. It’s not often that something so enjoyable is actually good for you. So the next time you get the urge, make the time to really savour the moment and enjoy yourself. You’re not only giving yourself a good time, you’re taking care of your body and maybe even finding new ways to light up your sex life with your partner as well.