Questions and Answers

Is There a Link Between Pornography and Premature Ejaculation?


There has been a lot of news lately about the effects of pornography on a person’s life. Some say it can diminish a man’s ability to connect with his wife or girlfriend. Others say

it sets the bar too high for sex and that young people are growing up with a skewed idea of sexual intimacy. Still others say it can actually cause physiological problems – including delayed or premature ejaculation.

Pornography has been around since well before the Internet and even the printing press. There are dozens – hundreds even – of examples of pornography from ancient Greece, Egypt, China and the Middle East. Pretty much anywhere you have a group of people, you are likely to find example of prehistoric pornography. These drawings were scrawled on walls in ancient bordellos, along the walls of city streets and even in caves during truly prehistoric times. Simply put – Pornography and man have been coexisting since just about forever.

Recently, though, a number of people have been coming forward to say their porn habit was becoming something more than just a way to pass the time, have some fun or enhance their sexual experience. These men – and their partners – say that too much porn has actually made it more difficult for them to perform to the level they know they can or even to enjoy sex as much as they once did. You don’t have to look far to find men who blame pornography for problems like impotence and premature ejaculation.

Is there any credence to these claims or are these people simply looking for something to blame their problems on? As with many other issues, the answer isn’t as simple as a Yes or No.

PornographyCurrently there are more than 25 million pornography websites on the Internet – with more going up almost daily. Some are huge and well known, like PornHub or RedTube while others are little pop up sites that cater to a niche and sometimes are only up and operational for a short amount of time. Many offer free videos or photographs while other charge a fee – ranging from a few bucks to over $100 – for access to what they offer.

This means that men can find a website that caters to their specific tastes, no matter how strange they may seem. Whether you are into mainstream porn options like gangbangs, MILFs or BDSM or you like thing a little wilder such as foot fetishes, smashing erotica or videos that feature women smashing pies into the faces of people – there’s a website out there for you.

With such easy – and constant – access, it can be easy for guys to overindulge. As with anything else that feels good, it is definitely possible to have too much of a good thing when it comes to porn. Too much porn usually means a lot of masturbation or edging, if guys are into holding onto their erection without giving themselves an instant release. Over time, these habits can lead to issues with overall sexual performance. Maintaining erections for too long can be problematic later on, making it difficult to continue to achieve erections. Excessive masturbation can lead to issues like premature ejaculation since men simply get used to speeding the process along in order to get to the reward – an orgasm.

So does this mean Pornography is to blame for these problems? Not exactly. The truth is that it is the excessive use of porn that can make it problematic, not the pornography itself. The solution is fairly simple – cut back! Just like too many Value Meals or sugary sweets can cause problematic weight gain, too much porn enhanced masturbation can cause problems in the bedroom. If you feel like your porn habits are getting out of hand, try going cold turkey for a few days to reboot your system. Work on your techniques and stamina with your partner and you’ll soon find you’re back to your old self in no time.