Treatment Options

Off-Label Medications for Premature Ejaculation – What You Need to Know


The world of pharmaceuticals is a funny thing. Some drugs are discovered and developed with a single purpose in mind while others are stumbled upon or developed with entirely different ideas in mind. It’s the nature of chemistry and the backbone of science – go with your idea but be ready to change everything around at the drop of a hat. This has helped the world of medicine grow by leaps and bounds and made it easier to treat a variety of conditions.

Drug Development 101: Always Have a Plan B

Developing a new drug can cost millions and the companies that spend money on research and development do so with the intention of making back every penny and more. Many drugs never even make it all the way to being on sale to the public, but the ones that pay off can become huge earners for a pharmaceutical firm. Viagra, for example, was originally developed as a treatment for hypertension and a specific type of angina. In clinical trials, researchers found it performed poorly for these intended purposes. But test subjects consistently reported getting a long lasting erection as a side effect and so the drug was pulled, retested and re-marketed as a treatment for Erectile Dysfunction. Viagra went on to become one of the most easily recognisable pills in the world and has spawned hundreds of herbal and pharmaceutical copycats.

While the success of Viagra hasn’t yet been duplicated for men dealing with premature ejaculation, an increasing number of medications are being prescribed off-label to help treat the condition. When mediation is prescribed off-label for premature ejaculation, it means that the patient may not need the drug for the purpose it was originally developed, but the side effect it has of delaying orgasm can help to effective treat premature ejaculation. The biggest benefit to going with an off-label prescription is that the condition can be treated immediately but there are still certain things to consider before taking the plunge.

  • Consider the Original Intention of the Drug – The practice is called off-label because the patient doesn’t actually need the drug. Many anti-depressants, for example, are used off-label to treat early ejaculation, even if the patient isn’t actually depressed. Delayed orgasm is simply a side effect of the drug. Discuss how the drug may react to you as well as other side effects known to be associated with the drug.
  • Talk to Your Doctor and Your Pharmacist – No prescription can be given without a doctor’s consent and most people understand the importance of discussing it with your physician, but few think about talking to their pharmacist. If you have a regular pharmacist, speaking to him or her could help identify potential problems with drug interference from other prescriptions or over the counter medications.
  • Do Your Own Research – Your doctor or other health care provider will almost certainly recommend one drug over another. While it’s important to take their advice into consideration, it’s also a good idea to do a bit of research on your own. Search for the drug in connection with premature ejaculation treatment through review websites, online communities and forums focused on sexual health. This can help give you a better idea of what to expect and learn about the experiences others have had.
  • Continue to Address the Underlying Cause – While off-label medication can help delay orgasm, they aren’t a cure for early ejaculation. This condition usually arises as part of some larger issue such as poor diet, the need for more exercise, stress or a host of other problems. While getting immediate relief can help, don’t let it prevent you from pursuing a more long-term solution.

Using off-label medications has become increasingly common and many doctors now recommend it for men who have dealt with chronic and long-term early ejaculation. While the immediate benefit of this option is obvious, it’s important for men to consider the long term implications of taking these drugs as well as continuing to being committed to finding a long-term solution.