
Modern Life and First World Problems – How They Affect Sexual Performance

Modern Life

We live in an age on unequalled leisure, prosperity and accessibility. The ‘cushiness’ of modern life has been immortalised in the popular First World Problem memes that have appeared all over the internet. First World Problems are, simply put, issues you only have to worry about when literally every need you have as a human being is filled so quickly, easily and effortlessly that you actually have time to worry about whether or not your printer will print quickly or your drive-thru order is actually hot when you receive it.

CoupleWhile it’s fun to poke fun at these “non-problems” online, the truth is they can actually have a serious knock-on effect when it comes to other areas of your life. Many men find that problems they would normally laugh off become no laughing matter when they affect their sexual performance.

In many cases, sexual performance issues like impotence and early ejaculation are rooted in problems that arise from seemingly unrelated issues. Stress and anxiety are often cited as two of the most common triggers for a plethora of sexual issues. While stress and anxiety are often borne out of serious and sometimes traumatic issues or events, they can also be kicked off by problems that others might see as ‘no big deal’.

For guys who feel the pressure to perform on demand, even having to stop an enjoyable activity in order to have sex (arguably one of the most enjoyable activities ever) can trigger problems with performance. Maybe he can’t get his head in the game, so to speak, and it results in difficult maintaining an erection. Or perhaps he’s so preoccupied he experiences an episode of early ejaculation. Whatever the trigger, these problems can quickly become serious issues in the context of a man’s sexual health and well-being, not to mention the health of his relationship.

For other men, it’s an issue where finally being able to have sex regularly reveals problems he wasn’t aware of before. A guy who has been celibate for a while and just masturbating might not know that he struggles with early ejaculation until after he’s developed a relationship with a new person.

Other men may find that a sudden increase in sex isn’t quite the gold mine they thought it would be. Some guys realise their erectile health isn’t what they thought it was while others realise they grossly overestimated what their true sex drive level was. While most people would laugh at a problem described as “being able to have too much sex” for men struggling with performance issues, it’s no laughing matter.

So how can men deal with these seemingly laughable problems in a serious way? Simple. The first step is to evaluate what’s going wrong and how best to address the underlying cause. Guys with a lower libido might be well served in having their testosterone levels checked. Men struggling with erectile health issues should cast a critical eye at their diet and fitness levels as well as exploring whether or not there could be more serious cardiovascular issues at play. For men coping with chronic early ejaculation, the solution is often in addressing the anxiety and stress so common in modern life.

They say laughter is the best medicine and certainly being able to have a sense of humour helps minimise problems. But that doesn’t mean issues born out of First World Problems can be ignored or swept under the rug. No matter what may have triggered your issues with performance, tackling the problem is the only way to really resolve it. Don’t let the cause of a problem make you feel like you don’t ‘really need’ any kind of professional help. In today’s modern world, there’s simply no reason to postpone getting the help you need to achieve the sex life you want.