
The Diet for Premature Ejaculation

Sex diet

Medical experts from every field of study have begun to look at the role nutrition plays in health. This includes the way it affects chronic physical conditions such as arthritis and diabetes but also conditions previously thought to be purely mental or emotional such as depression or ADHD. Premature ejaculation falls somewhere in the middle of these two classifications as it can have both physical and mental issues as contributing factors.

When it comes to how diet can affect sexual performance, it’s easy to talk about the benefits of a healthy, clean, whole-food approach. After all, everyone knows vegetables are better for you than doughnuts but applying that to your own life can be hard. Many of us think we eat somewhat healthy and so that we don’t need to worry about advice regarding food when it comes to self-improvement. But the truth is that many of us eat less healthy than we think, simply because of how accustomed we become to routines and conveniences. Here we’ll take a look at the diet millions of Americans follow and how it can directly impact sexual performance.

Breakfast – What do millions of people do as soon as they roll out of bed in the morning? They grab a cup of coffee so they can wake up and face the day. While there are a number of studies that show moderate amounts of coffee can be healthy, many of us well exceed what is considered to be healthy. On top of that, we add sugar, cream or artificial creamy sweeteners to our drinks, upping the amount of sugar and fat we gulp down before we’ve even brushed our teeth.

Breakfast itself isn’t usually much better. Plenty of people zip through a fast food place on the way to work which means a breakfast that is usually fired and full of sugar, salt and fat. Even for those who eat at home, options tend to lean toward sugary cereals, instant microwavable sandwiches or wraps or a piece of pastry or cake they can grab on the way out. Starting the day with heavy, processed and sugary foods means a jolt right away that leaves people feeling energised for a little while, then crashing just in time for mid-morning.

Lunch – Whether people work at home or in the office, lunch doesn’t usually get much thought. A quick sandwich, another fast food or grocery store ready meal – something people can grab and eat as they work or gobble down quickly in between errands, chores or projects. Since this meal is usually just as rushed as breakfast for many, that means more of the same – something quick and usually processed. Healthier options are more prevalent today than ever before which lulls some into a false sense of security. After all, they say, I’m getting a fresh burrito bowl or a chopped salad from a fast casual restaurant, not a burger and fried from a drive-thru! But the truth is that many healthy options are derailed when people add heavy meats, cheeses, sour cream, mayo and other fatty additions, essentially negating anything healthy about the dish.

Dinner – Many people who might not get what they should at breakfast and lunch make more of an effort at dinner to at least get a few of their ‘5 a Day’ in. But, once again, this often takes a back seat to comfort foods high in starches, salt and meat. So instead of a dinner made up of primarily plant based foods, people instead grab a plate of spaghetti, a big steak and a side of mashed potatoes or a pizza with extra cheese and double pepperoni … and then they throw in a side salad. The truth is that all of these foods can have a place in a balanced and healthy diet, but a full day of food on the go and a comfort meal dinner means an influx of fat, salt and sugar all of which can inhibit health circulation, contributing to a variety of issues, including premature ejaculation.

As sexual performance issues such as impotence and early ejaculation are more closely studies, the relationship between them and a person’s nutrition is also becoming understood more clearly. Many doctors are already prescribing dietary changes as part of the first line of attack when it comes to dealing with either of these conditions. By taking the time to understand how diet can affect performance, men can more easily spot – and treat – areas in which they see a problem. This can help not only develop a better treatment for premature ejaculation, it can also help many men avoid the problem completely.