
Which Common New Year’s Resolution Will Help Stop Early Ejaculation?

New Years Resolution

Every year, millions of people make resolutions for the New Year in the hopes they can improve their lives. At the same time, many people completely fall off the wagon within the first few months. Experts often weigh in on why we make these resolutions – and why we often give up quickly – each year. For the most part, experts seem to agree that one of the biggest reasons we abandon resolutions is that we don’t see the improvement we had hoped for originally. This becomes depressing and discouraging and so giving up and reverting back to our old behaviours is easier than soldiering on.

So how can we break this cycle and actually use New Year’s resolutions to improve our life in the long term? By attaching resolutions to measurable improvements and having a realistic timeline for when you can expect to see results.

Lots of times, when people make resolutions, they pick things they know they should be doing, but they aren’t. Maybe it is something to do with improving your health like cleaning up your diet, going to the gym more often, taking up swimming or quitting smoking. Or maybe it has to do with enriching other parts of your personality such as reading the classics of literature, checking out the hot shows everyone keeps talking about or going to see live theatre more often. While these are all great ideas, they are also kind of vague.

The best approach is to first determine what you want to accomplish. For men with sexual performance problems, that means stating up front what you hope to accomplish in terms of improving early ejaculation, erectile health or whatever other issue you might be experiencing. Since premature ejaculation is the most common form of sexual dysfunction in men, we will use that as our example.

Stop early ejaculationIn order to effectively stop early ejaculation, men must first identify their potential triggers. This includes primary and secondary triggers since premature ejaculation can be set off easily by any number of factors. For men who deal with this on a chronic basis, that means branching out and using multiple approaches to address the problem.

Most guys know that stress, diet and physical fitness levels can all play a part in triggering premature ejaculation, so how can you address those issues with resolutions? First, identify which one is your biggest trigger and start there. Have a weakness of fast food? Make a resolution to eat at home more often. Too much time sitting on the couch binge watching shows? Resolve to get out, hit the gym or simply watch from an exercise bike more often.

Once you’ve identified your most common triggers and established which resolutions will address the problem and fit into your lifestyle, it’s time to set some measurable achievements in order to keep your motivation up. Since these New Year resolutions are based in all natural and healthy approaches to managing this condition, it is important to remember the results won’t come overnight. Diets, exercise programs and other changes in lifestyle deliver results slowly and over a period of time.

Create a timeline using the methods you’ve chosen to determine when you can begin seeing results. A change in diet will have you feeling a boost of energy within a few weeks while it may take a few more weeks beyond that to begin seeing visible results from an increase in working out. Set specific benchmarks to track improvement. These can include improvements related to your goals (increased stamina, more energy, etc) as well as benchmarks which aren’t directly related to your goals but which do show improvement.

By establishing smaller goals along the way, men can stay motivated when it comes to using New Year’s resolutions to improve sexual performance issues, including stopping early ejaculation. After all, if you’re going to make resolutions, they might as well improve every aspect of your life – including your sex life.