
5 Ways Premature Ejaculation Can Affect Your Relationship

Communication with partner

Ask any guy how premature ejaculation affects his relationship and he’ll probably give you a strange look. Should be pretty obvious, right? It means you have no real

sex life, what else is there to know? The fact is, early ejaculation does more than just throw a wrench in your sex life. This common and frustrating condition can actually affect almost every relationship in your life.

It Hampers Communication With Your Partner

Men are reluctant to bring up the topic of early ejaculation with their wife or girlfriend. To be fair, it’s an embarrassing problem and one men feel like they should be able to sort out on their own. But premature ejaculation simply isn’t a problem that can be solved in a vacuum.

Talk to a wife or girlfriend may seem difficult at first, but it’s a bit less intimidating when you consider a few facts. First, you won’t be surprising your partner with the news. The woman in your life will know there’s a problem, even if you think you’ve found ways to keep the full truth from her. Early ejaculation simply isn’t something you can hide. So chances are, she’s eager to discuss the issue and help – she’s just waiting for you to make the first move. Secondly, a treatment plan where you’re both on board and able to actively participate is more likely to be successful. With the two of you working as a team, you’ll be able to experiment with different treatment plans at once, including sexual therapy. This can increase the likelihood of finding an effective treatment more quickly.

It Can Isolate You

Any kind of sexual dysfunction can be isolating. While sex is more widely discussed, it’ usually focused on the positive. Sexual performance problems aren’t talked about in any meaningful way and quite often they are used for the basis of jokes. This makes it even harder for people to come forward and talk about their problems which plays into the cycle of isolating people.

Searching online for support groups can be a big help. Sometimes there are local groups that meet in person but more often than not, groups meet online and include members from all over the world. Today there’s simply no need to feel isolated due to a condition – especially not one as common and widespread as premature ejaculation.

It Makes You Hard to Work With

Worries about early ejaculation increase your stress levels which can affect any other part of your life. This is sometimes the most evident when it comes to work performance. Many men report finding it difficult to focus at work related tasks and juggle the stress of workplace politics and demands alongside the stress they have over their sexual performance problems.

Bye-Bye Self-Esteem, Hello Depression

DepressionProblems with your wife or girlfriend, issues at work and feeling cut off can only lead to one place – Depression. Depression is often associated with sexual performance problems, especially if the person has been dealing with these issues on a chronic basis.

Your Focus Is Shot

The most pervasive way premature ejaculation affects every relationship in your life is that it always has your attention. ALWAYS. After a while, no matter what you’re doing, your thoughts will come back to your sex life. You’re simply not able to give anything your full attention because worries about your sex life – and your sexual health – are always simmering on a back burner.

Not being able to fully engage makes it hard for you to connect with people and that’s what lies under each of these ways early ejaculation affects your relationships. Luckily, that means addressing early ejaculation can reverse these problems. Each challenge to the health of your relationships has a single solution – address the problem in your sex life.