
When PETA and Premature Ejaculation Collide

Vegan diet for premature ejaculation

What could the animal rights group PETA possibly have in common with premature ejaculation? When we think of PETA, we generally think about activists staging protests, demonstrations against animal testing, and incredibly sad commercials that make us tear up. However, a commercial advertisement produced by the group in 2014 has reappeared this year, and now viewers are wondering if the advertisement message is true.

PETA Promotes the Vegan Diet for Premature Ejaculation

During this quirky and intriguing PETA commercial a couple is seen engaging in the beginnings of sex. As they disrobe rather enthusiastically, the man realizes that he is a little too excited about the scenario. Afraid he is going to prematurely ejaculate, he tries to think about other things, things that are less arousing. Going as ridiculously far as to impose Fidel Castro’s face on his female partner (complete with voice and mannerisms) he still ends up succumbing to early ejaculation. As both partners appear frustrated and disappointed, the screen fades to black with the message “If you go vegan, you can last longer”.

While the vegan diet has made a name for itself in the media, especially through some high profile celebrities, we are left wondering if there really is truth to a vegan, or plant based, diet stopping early ejaculation.

Affects of the Vegan Diet on Premature Ejaculation

As a solely plant based diet, vegans do not ingest any meat or dairy products, including fish. On the whole, people who remove the excess fats and proteins found in meat and dairy are healthier, and often more physically fit. While the human body does require fat and protein to function correctly, the amounts are negligible compared to the levels of both that we generally ingest daily. It is well understood that too much fat in the human diet can be unhealthy, and eventually deadly. No one, however, ever thinks that we may be eating too much protein.

On a daily basis, a normal human male only requires 50 grams of protein. To put it in perspective, a small hamburger patty inherently has 25 grams of protein in it. So that one double cheeseburger you ate today actually has all of the protein you need for an entire 24 hours. Something that many people do not understand about protein is that each of the grams of protein that we ingest but do not need, turns into fat. Therefore, all of the excess proteins we take in become fat cells, which in turn damage our overall health.

Americans have become a carnivorous population. In the United States, a portion of protein at a restaurant or home table is often larger than the portion of vegetables. In a region where bigger is better, and large portions of meat are celebrated, we do not think about the long term damage that we are doing to our own bodies. Even for the men who understand that science and nutritional benefits of going vegan, it is not an easy lifestyle change. As we are so programmed to eat excess proteins, it has almost become an addictive behaviour. The good news is that you do not have to completely give up your meats and dairy products to be healthy. By making small substitutions in your diet, the benefits to your body are still very recognisable.

As long as men eat a balanced diet, making sure to decrease their fat and protein intake while increasing their vegetable and fruit consumption, their bodies will operate more effectively. It has been proven that a healthy diet, vegan or not, has the ability to increase overall fitness levels, reduce bad cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and reduce a person’s weight. It has also been proven that a person who gets regular exercise and eats a well balanced diet has fewer issues with premature ejaculation. Based on both of these facts, it is not a far leap to say that going vegan really can make a man last longer.