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How Soon is Too Soon? Diagnosing Premature Ejaculation

Diagnostic for premature ejaculation

Ask any guy and chances are he’ll say he wishes he could last longer in bed. Products that help to increase stamina are some of the most popular items in the market for both men and women and it’s clearly an issue that affects both sexes. But for men, the concerns can be more serious. Each year, millions of men struggle with premature ejaculation and, for these men, increased stamina goes beyond just wanting to improve their performance – it’s about developing a normal and healthy sex life.

A Widespread Problem with Few Guidelines

It is believed that nearly every man experiences early ejaculation at least once in his life and the condition becomes chronic for thousands more. While premature ejaculation is incredibly common, it is often misunderstood by men and even many medical professionals. The truth is that diagnosing the condition can be difficult as few guidelines exist. Some medical professionals diagnose the condition for a man who cannot last more than a minute after penetration while others use a more relaxed standard and diagnose the problem for men who simply don’t last as long as they would like.

With such a variety in diagnostic methods, many men feel that means there’s little that can be done should they seek out professional help. This belief, however, is wholly untrue. In fact, many doctors can offer a wide array of treatment options which cannot be utilized without a doctor’s care. Some medications, for instance, such as anti-depressants can be used ‘off label’ in order to treat early ejaculation. This approach has proven effective for many men, but it does require a doctor’s supervision and care in order to avoid any problems with the medication itself as well as potential interactions with other medications the patient may be on for other concerns. In fact, early ejaculation as a side effect is a common finding once men take the time to speak to their doctor about diminished stamina.

Speaking to Your Doctor – The Facts You’ll Want to Know

In many cases, men seeking help with premature ejaculation have little if any experience with talking to their doctor about sexual health. This can make the conversation more difficult but knowing what to expect during the visit can help to relieve some of this anxiety.

  • Write Down the Details – The doctor will want to know about how long you last as well as the details on your sex life. This includes how often you have sex as well as masturbate. These details can be awkward to discuss openly. Writing them down can help keep the facts straight and prevent forgetting any details you wish to discuss.
  • Be Open About What You’ve Already Tried – Before heading to the doctor, you’ve no doubt tried a number of home remedies in order to address the problem. Be prepared to discuss these openly so that your doctor can tailor a treatment program and knows where to begin. Include creams, supplement and devices you may have used as well as any sort of change in sexual positions.
  • Keep an Open Mind – Treating a condition such as this isn’t always straight-forward. It may take your doctor more than one visit to find a treatment plan and tweak it properly. Off-label mediations, numbing agents and more extreme options may all be considered, but treading with an open mind will help to make the process easier.

Sexual health is a complex aspect of human health and happiness. As a result, chronic conditions such as premature ejaculation can be difficult to diagnose and treat successfully. While medical professionals work toward a better understanding of this common condition, there are a number of new treatments available for men who see out professional help. Understanding what they need to know and what to expect can help men be more comfortable and confident in seeking the help they need to return their sex life back to normal.