
Make Sure Your Summer Body Plans Don’t Trigger Early Orgasm

Don't Trigger Early Orgasm

As the weather begins to warm people from every walk of life begin to think about getting in shape for the summer. Over the fall and winter, many people pack

on a few pounds and simply fall out of the habit of regular physical activity and exercise. This results in lowered energy levels and, for men, even a lessening of their sex drive, impaired sexual performance and every bouts with early orgasm.

When men think about getting back into shape for the summer, they tend to focus on the physical issues. While this is understandable it can actually set their goals back. In their rush to achieve the best looks and improve their outward appearance, many men actually wreak havoc on various other aspects of their health.

Fad Diets and Intensive Workouts

Every year, right after the winter holidays, television infomercials, magazine articles and website space positive explode with information on various diets and special exercise programs. Each one promises to do essentially the same thing. They all swear they can help guys drop weight and carve out some muscle tone just in time for beach season. Sure, usually people think of these fad diets and intensive exercise programs in connection to being aimed at women but the truth is that men get the same pressure, the same song and dance, the same expectation of Hollywood perfection.

So every year, men from every walk of life give into the pressure and jump into fad diets that they know aren’t exactly healthy. Or maybe they dive into the deep end of high-intensity workout programs that push their body beyond its limits. Still, the diets and workouts usually do result in visible changes and overall improvements. Men take that as a good sign and keep up their efforts and even redouble the energy they put into the process.

Looks Can Be Deceiving

While strict diets and punishing workouts can result in seemingly impressive results, they can also cause problems that lie right under the surface. For men with a history of early orgasm, the chances of these approached triggering an episode increase as time goes on.

First, the sheer physical demands of the diet and exercise deplete a man’s energy and sap his strength. Fad diets are usually centered around some level of restriction which means a person isn’t getting all of the nutrients and vitamins they need. At the same time, the intense workouts further sap the man’s strength and make it so he is spread thing and basically running on empty.

The end result is a person who is exhausted on every possible level. Lowered nutrition levels, depleted energy levels and overall weariness increases both stress and anxiety since all the while men are still trying to achieve their idea of perfection. Add it up and it is basically the perfect storm you need to almost guarantee an episode of early orgasm.

So how does a man avoid this issue but still get ready for a body he enjoys showing off when the weather gets hot? The same way he would any other time – by embracing healthy eating, a reasonable workout plan and plenty of nutritional support. That means sticking to a high protein, a low-fat diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, supplements created with the highest quality ingredients and a workout routine that includes ways to increase stamina and flexibility while building a honing muscle tissue.

This isn’t a quick route, however, and requires a bit more work and focus on the part of men. At the same time, the results it brings are longer lasting and even feel better. The boost in energy isn’t short-lived, the improvement in muscle tone doesn’t come at the expense of whole body health. Best of all, the achievement of looking good doesn’t come with a price tag of ongoing sexual dysfunction and problems with early orgasm.