
Four Things Your Partner Wishes She Knew About Premature Ejaculation

Four Things Your Partner Wishes She Knew About Premature Ejaculation

When a man starts to struggle with problems in the bedroom, he sometimes thinks he can somehow hide the issue from his significant other. But while it may be possible to hide

some problems, premature ejaculation isn’t one of them. Still, it is rarely a subject that men feel comfortable discussing openly. But believe it or not, there are some things your partner wishes you would say. And doing so could easily do more than just reassure her.

Premature Ejaculation Isn’t Her Fault

Premature ejaculation is not her faultThis is the biggest worry most women have. Even women who know a bit about premature ejaculation and other sexual performance problems that men face. A woman can read plenty of articles about how premature ejaculation isn’t a partner’s fault but it’s different to hear it right from the person they are in love with. So reassure her that it isn’t anything she is or isn’t doing. At the same time, let her know that she will play an important role in moving forward.

It Isn’t Your Fault Either

Premature ejaculation not your faultMen often think they have only themselves to blame when premature ejaculation strikes. This is due in large part to the fact that a host of lifestyle issues can and often do affect, influence and trigger the condition. This does not, however, mean that laying blame is the right thing to do. Instead, remember that the condition can be a reflection of issues in a man’s life, but they aren’t always something over which he has complete control. Sure, he leads the way when it comes to diet and exercise but both stress and anxiety are common triggers and these are outside influences a man is not always to control. How he reacts, however, is a whole other story. Focus on the changes you can make and the amount of control you can reasonably have and you’ll soon find plenty of options to make it work.

Success Requires Teamwork

Success Requires TeamworkIf you want to be successful in treating and managing premature ejaculation for the long-term, you’ll need a partner. Talking to your partner about what you’re doing, the challenges you are facing and the goals you set benefits you in a number of ways. First, it makes you accountable for the changes you will need to make yourself. Secondly, it gives you another person to help find new treatments or find ways to make treatments fit into your regular life. Finally, the support you will receive from your partner can easily make all the difference in the world.

This Can Make Your Relationship Stronger

Success with Premature EjaculationCouples facing problems with sexual performance often report that the problems can drive a wedge between them. This is a common problem for couples when they try to hide the problem or solve it without involving their partner. The truth is that premature ejaculation is a major issue and the commitment required to treat the condition is something most men need support in order to accomplish. Instead of allowing it to become a bone of contention or a wedge that drives you apart, approach it as a challenge you can overcome together. Framing it this way can actually turn this problem into something that brings couples closer and they come out the other side stronger, happier and more committed than ever before.

By sitting down to talk to your partner about these things, you’ll benefit in a number of ways. Not only does it help bring a couple closer together, it also improves your chances for success. Having someone who can work with you means you can also learn about new treatments for premature ejaculation and get extra real world support when you need it most. In the end, an awkward conversation can easily become the foundation for long term success.